finally, on 4th ( cue 4 ) we came back to our old school kalam kudus... it doesn't changed too much,, however, with a new building n so many fresh faces.. make me feel i'm old.. lol n of course let us leave some memories guys say cheese!! ^^
i got alot of photos of our friends, well not really IPA guys, can i upload it as well?? it might have some of IPA guys n girls in it... soooo..hahahaha
Blog ini dicreate khusus untuk kelas kita (XII-IPA 2006/2007), sebagai pengganti dari youtomo yang berisi data2 kita. Semoga dengan blog ini we can contact and keep contact.
Jangan lupa!!
Do The Best and Do It By Yourself...
gunakan nickname ato nama yg kita kenal utk shout maupun post comment... jika ingin menambahkan post pada blog, silahkan hubungi jack ato leri utk join sbg author.. (dgn syarat hrz memiliki gmail)
thx 4 ur attention
updated: March 19, 2009 Jika ada yang ingin posting tapi tidak ingin menjadi author, bisa dengan mengemail content yang ingin anda post ke Jackson/Lerianah. Kami akan post content anda asap...
miss u guys xD
who is d ownber pls...
hey, Hohoh
who post those photos?
am seem so pity der...
:)) just like cold wind passing
really misss guys
sana ada tulis posted by ...
kira2 tau sapa la ya
wiw.... good job....
who is d owner???
wa ae ti hia photo neh...
meskipun hsilnya krg...
piece all :)
piece? peace?
masalah owner yah?
ya kita2 la..
yg uda support
sering2 buka yah...
Koq foto2 it aj?
mana foto2 yg laen?
abis ga ad bayangan g ne...
Ga argh..
Ga seru...
Ga asyik deh...
lu ada foto lagi bo?
post la...
biar kami jg bisa liat
yg kami ada cm gt aja
i got alot of photos of our friends, well not really IPA guys, can i upload it as well?? it might have some of IPA guys n girls in it... soooo..hahahaha
silahkan aja cyi...
foto kmrn lu ultah ya?
ada foto2 xan y br2 ne gx?? di uplod donk,,hehehe
tggu g foto2 dl yah
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